
Dominance ghirahim x reader 2

Deviation Actions

IndigoArtistX3's avatar

Literature Text

*author's note: the beginning might be a little slow at first but I like making longer stories and setting up character profiles plot and such like many stories do, so just bear with me. (Yes I'm a nerd)
Chapter:2 a flashback to the past

(B/n) = brother's name

A small house sits remotely in the middle of no where. It's covered in moss and some earthly vines that try to dominate the old building that once belonged to your old grandmother who disappeared many, many years ago... It wasn't until about a year or so ago that everyone decided she was dead and gone and that her will shall go into effect. It took awhile to locate the will but once found, my father which was her only child inherited the place. Dad's job was flipping houses, but his last few houses failed to sell plunging your family into heavy debt ultimately making you have to bid farewell to your own house. Luckily it was around that time your dad found out about his inheritance... Grandmother wasn't too rich but her house at least gave your family a place to stay.

The family inherited all the furniture and all her old belongings as well... Though the house had seen better days and each step on the floor was certain to produce a loud squeak; dad was certain he could fix it up in no time.

Unfortunately, since a young age you felt disconnected from your family. You just didn't click with them like your siblings did.  You had a habit of keeping to yourself and being a bit of a hermit, especially at family gatherings. People outside of the family, well- people in general just saw you as another face in the crowd nothing out of the ordinary, nothing to make you approach worthy. Just another boring blank canvas you thought to yourself with a deep sigh.

"(Y/N), you coming dear?" Your dad says breaking your thoughts. You cast your eyes back up to the house again. The place was shrouded in trees and only a few stray beams of sunlight hinted that the great big ball of gas in the sky still existed in a place as serene as this. You silently nod to your dad standing outside the car window, you pull your bag to your shoulders, and sluggishly peel yourself from the leather car seat. The air was clean, and fresh outside the car... Not like the polluted smog that lingered in the city where your family previously existed. Everyone else already was inside the house checking the place out. You tended to lose track of time zoning out into your thoughts, another horrible habit.

Keeping up with your dad's gait you headed into the house. The interior was clean, but still kept a smell of must and mildew from being untouched for some time. Cobwebs and dust also made themselves at home. There was also an abundance of candles all over the place. "Oh yea, the power generator in the back is completely rusted, I'll get it fixed in a few days no need to worry. Let's hope your brothers can survive without the television for awhile. I brought a few flashlights with me too and a lantern. The plumbing at least still works- here (y/n) let me show your to your new room!" Your dad says changing the subject and gently tugging your hand into an ill lit hallway.

At the end of the hallway stands a tall dark wooded door. He opens it revealing a quaint little room filled with books and nick knacks. There even stands an unfinished painting aisle with something very faintly sketched out on it. The room has a gentle scent of lavender and other natural herbs that soothed you as you deeply breathed in. "This was your grandmother's room... She left it specifically in her will that she wanted you to have it. Do you like it? I tried to clean it up the best I could last week when I visited." Your father states looking down at the hand-made rug that covered most of the floor. "I love it." You say smiling up at him. The room seemed aloof and full of mystery, you couldn't wait to unlock its secrets... You almost feel like this is what your grandmother wanted you to do. "I'm going to start unpacking" you said gently setting your bag on the ground.

"Okay, I'm headed out to go grocery shopping, the closest store is about an hour away... Want me to pick anything up for ya?" Dad asks in a upbeat tone, he tried so hard to be a good father, especially after the divorce. His kids meant the world to him even though his stuck up cheating ex wife, wanted nothing to do with her past. "No I think I'm fine." you say. "Not even (insert favorite food here)?" Your dad asks cracking a grin. Even though you were rather anti social and wanted nothing to do with your family some days you still loved them very much.

"Alright if you can find it." You say smiling back and giving him a quick hug. He turns to leave the room. "I won't be back for awhile. I'm taking the kids with me. Except for (b/n), can you keep an eye on him?" Your dad asks. "Yea sure dad." You say emptily. The youngest trouble making brother was now entrusted in your care for who knows how long. Great.

You hear your dad and the other kids exit the old musty house leaving you with troublesome child. Before heading into the living room to watch him you spotted a gilded diary laying on the nightstand. Was this grandmother's.(?) you snagged it and headed into the darkening living room, planting your rump on the maroon striped sofa. "Sissy?" The barely three year old asks. "Yes (b/n)?" You say just about to crack open the book. "I wanna pway outside!" "Fine go get your shoes." You say flatly. You were probably just as curious as this kid about the forest that lurked behind the new place you called home. While waiting for the small demon spawn you turned to the first page of the book. Written in a neat cursive said the following: "there is only one who is allowed to read the secrets of this book and only they have the key to read it"

You turned to the next page but it was blank, as was the next and all that followed. "What the hell?" You mumble under your breath. The sudden mystery made you anxious, you began to twist the chain of the necklace that dangled around your neck. It was a simple chain that frequently was replaced over the years but it wasn't the chain that mattered, what did matter was the charm that hung on to it. Three golden triangles connected by the tips, with a thin sheet of opaque crystal in the center. Your grandmother gave you this when you were a baby, she told your parents it would ward off the evil spirits. She said that from the moment she saw you she knew you had a special kind of soul, something powerful that had to be protected or some mumbo jumbo like that. Mom always called your grandmother a witch... You practically never saw her during your childhood because of that, she tried throwing the necklace away but it always seemed to find a way around your neck again when you'd wake in the morning. Not really seeing your grandmother much made you all the more curious about her life here in this serene forest. Could she really still be alive?

"Okay sis I'm ready! I even put my shoes on all by myself.!" He says proudly, you glance down at his feet and see that his shoes are on the wrong feet. You facepalm yourself and go to help your clueless, annoying, but still adorable little brother out. He slaps your hand away as you try to remove his shoes. "No sis! Keep them the way the are." The little troll screams. The OCD in you wants to scream back but then your just grab the book and decide it wasn't even worth the fight.

~small time skip~

The backyard held an old overgrown trail that led into the forest. For about the past half hour or so your brother and you treaded down the weeded path, stopping to admire the wildlife and nature every so often. Weeds were overgrown in thick tangles throughout the path so you had to be cautious and not only watch your brother's steps but your own due to your naturally clumsy nature.

The sounds of nature were soothing, and you felt a wave of peace wash over you as you walked. You almost felt like you could spend enter bury here just listening to the soft chirp of bugs and the stream quietly splashing. Up ahead there was a gaping hole in the tree line causing the falling sun to break through, a fallen trees also lay with moss and decay starting to set in. "Sis can we take a break?" Your brother says tiredly rubbing his eyes and already taking a seat on a log. You really hoped you didn't have to end up carrying him home. "Sure go ahead, this seems like a nice spot. After a few minutes we'll look around and then start heading home before it gets to dark." You say sitting down and rummaging through your bag to find the diary.

When you finally found it upon looking up from your bag you saw something... Peculiar. It was an old well. Covered in moss, the stones were a strange sparkly black, but the thing that stuck out most was the symbol that was starting to fade but still clearly marked upon it. It was like the symbol on your necklace. Three triangles connecting with an empty triangle in the middle. You paused, your heart sunk. That well obviously held something of significance, and it at least slightly pertained to you. That's when your mind went blank and focused on the one person that could answer all questions. Grandmother.

You opened the book to the second page- still blank but it was almost instinct that told you what to do next, you held up the necklace with the thin see through sheet of crystal in the empty middle. As the sun pierced through it, it hit the book, the book shines bright white for a minute almost blinding you... But the. The brightness died down revealing cursive neatly written text. The same font as the first page held.

"My dear (y/n). This book is intended for your use, read it and use it well. The light that you saw made your eyes able to read this text but no one else can see it. I did this because this information must be kept secret.

If you are reading this it means that I have left for the other world and will not return, either I have chosen to stay with my life long friends... Or something has happened to me there. You must know who you are and where you came from. But you also must know of the dangers that lurk in the forest-"

Your heart skipped a few beats and you stopped reading. You glanced over to the log only to see your brother wasn't there. What have you done where was (b/n)? You snap your eyes back towards the well. He was sleep walking towards it and standing right on the edge. "(B/N)!!!" You scream out, dropping the book, stretching your hand and sprinting as fast as you could.

His eyes flashed open darting to you. "Sis..?" Suddenly something grabbed his ankle and started to try to pull him inside the well, he grabbed onto the ledge!" "Sis!" He cried you quickly were able to grab his hands, you yanked his arms as much as you could trying to save him but whatever this was, was way stronger than you. His tiny hands started to loosen the clench around your hands causing you to squeeze tighter. "Let him go!!!!" You scream so hard it burned your throat. Somehow it obeyed and let go of him sending you both spiraling backwards, you shielded him with your body as you both rolled in a log.

Icy hot adrenaline pumping through your veins, you scooped up your still crying brother in your arms sloppily threw the book in your bag and got the hell out of there. You ran and ran and ran until you felt like your heart would burst and your lungs would collapse. You had to take a break or you were going to pass out. So you stopped by a tree and dropped your bag trying to regain your composure and your breath. You cradled your little brother in your arms as if he was your own child. "Are you okay (b/n)?" You say still trying to catch your breath.

Still sobbing into your should he lifts his head slightly and wipes his eyes. "I-I think so" he stutters. You hold your precious little brother in your arms sitting in silence for a few moments. "S-sis?" "Yea?" You say gently looking into his eyes, they were a different color than yours. They were dads color... You didn't look much like either of your parents in fact some people thought you were adopted... You shake off the thought and pay attention to your brother. "Thanks for saving me" he says giving you a tight hug and a small peck on the cheek.

"No problem bud." You say smiling. He pulls away from your grasp and regains the playful energetic and determined spirit that most kids have.  "But next time I'll be your Prince Charming and I'll save you sis! I won't let any big bad meanie get you- nope Never ever!" He says grabbing a stick and holding it up in the air like a sword. You let out a soft chuckle, although troublesome and mischievous at time you still deeply cared for your brother. "Thanks buddy, I know I can count on you!" You say hugging your mini knight tightly. "Alright let's get home." You continue, the two of you walk home holding his little hand in yours. You get the back door. "Sis... Don't tell dad." "Why?" "I don't want dad to worry, I gotta be strong for dad" he says casting his eyes to the ground. He was about 8 years old and you were 14 around that time, and yet he knew dad had enough to worry about... He knew he had to stay strong like the rest of us and sell a smile. "Alright bud it'll be our secret... And if dad wants to go in the forest we tell him there's uh too much poison ivy out there he should believe that." You say opening the door, your brother nodded and stepped inside running up the stairs. You glanced to the forest one last time and then closed the door behind you making sure to lock it.

About an hour passed and it was now nightfall; your brother and you had lit a bunch of candles together since the power wouldn't be coming on anytime soon. Your dad burst through the door with some pizza boxes in hand, your three other siblings that went with him carried in the groceries. "Well I got a job working at the local hardware store, I figure I can scrap together some extra money to help flip this place... Plus I get employee discount!" Your dad says flashing a dorky peace sign. "When do you start?" You ask distantly, starting to unpack some of the groceries in the dimly lit kitchen.

"Wow that eager for me to get away with you- oh I got your (favorite food) and I found these cute little Japanese sodas I thought you'd like! Anyways I start in 3 days!" Dad says flashing another sign of peace. You mentally wanted to facepalm yourself into the ground. But you secretly were really happy about both the food and the sodas you would have to hoard them in your room so no one else could get to the mwhahaha. After all the groceries were unpacked your family sat at a candle lit dusty mahogany table and ate pizza on paper plates.

"So what did you guys do while we were gone," your older sister asks tapping her fingers on the table. "We took a nap" (b/n) says sticking out his tongue. Your younger sister speaks she was only 4. "(B/n) it's not nice to stick out your tongue!" She says slamming her fist on the table. The two suddenly start their typical bickering and suddenly you don't feel like eating. The oldest brother mumbles under his breath. " I can't wait to go to college and live in a dorm away from here.." "Don't say that, did you ever think of dad's feelings?" Your older sister speaks up. Then those two start arguing. You let out a small sigh and walk to your room, your dad, used to the drama sits back and eats his pizza while the arguments unfold. You gently close your door behind you careful to make sure the others didn't hear your exit.

Using a box of matches you light a tall white candle that sits in one of those candle holder thingies. You also light a few more candles so you have enough reading light. You walk over to the aisle to inspect the sketch you never got to check out earlier. It was a horizon with a castle and many trees in the back round, the sun was faintly drawn. You flip over to the next page, this one wasn't a sketch but a full out painting of some kind of sparkling blue butterfly looking creature.  The page after had a picture of a magnificent looking sword, after that was a giant tree with a face and a mustache(?). The next few pages had creatures that appeared to be made of stone, and creature with fins on their bodies. The last few pages in the book were what mostly caught your attention one was of a girl that had a blue tinted skin and bright orange hair that twisted into a braid in the front. Her eyes held a grimace of pain mischief and wisdom. The next page was a princess looking woman with elf ears and blonde hair that shines like the sun her lips were pulled in a smile as she appeared to be conducting a song that created tornados.  The page after had a blonde fellow with slightly longer hair for a guy and blue eyes. He wore a green outfit and hat, and didn't have a smile but didn't have quite a frown either. His eyes looked distant and he carried a sword that looked similar to the one in one of the earlier paintings. He was pretty good looking you almost wished he was real. Heck he could be your Prince Charming any day. After that painting was one of a small  baby with your color hair and eyes... She was smiling cutely, but her eyes looked as if they were staring at you which creeped you out slightly. You tore yourself from that painting onto the last one behind it.

This one held a different art style and feeling than the others. While the others were whimsical and airy this one was melancholy. You almost wanted to reach into the painting to help this guy and comfort the handsome stranger with a hug. It was a profile of a guy with greenish grayish toned skin. He had white hair which was cut asymmetrical to only cover one of his elven ears. He was glancing down in a somber smolder. Almost to the point of being in tears. He looked lost, confused, betrayed. Who were these people? Were they real?

You flip the packet of paintings back to the sketch and return to your bed. You crack open the diary reading the last few sentences before that predicament with your brother occurred. What did your grandmother mean by "the other world" did she mean heaven? No... That couldn't be right she mentioned staying with her friends or being in trouble. What if she was in trouble? Could you save her?

Whatever this was you knew it had to do with THAT forest... And THAT well. You turned to the next page.

"A field guide and handbook for hyrule"

What the hell is hyrule? You pondered turning to the next page. It was a map filled with lush forests, barren deserts, mountains of snow and fire, and enormous lakes. As you turned the pages you learned more and more of this mystical make believe land. You had a hard time believing this place was real, maybe this was all some sick prank... Maybe your grandmother really did have some mental disorder that made her see things like your mother said.

This was all just make believe mixed with coincidence. You said brushing all of it off but still wanting to read more. Those rock people are a race called gorons. And the finned people are a race called zoras. Interesting.

You skimmed more and more about the land of hyrule with a dark history of cycling war and peace. Grandmother dated each visit and what she learned in great detail this kept seeming harder to buy that this was make believe. You stopped at a page towards the back.

"(Y/n), now that you know of this place I will tell you why it pertains to you. Your real father whose name was link and mother are not on earth. Who you have been living with is actually a half uncle. Your real father is here in hyrule as is your mother. My first husband, your grandfather who with me created your father died in a war. I fled for several years with your father and sealed up the well, but your father was always drawn to it. I married another man (I was good looking back in my day thank you very much).  Anyways I married another man and we had your step uncle not long after that.

When your dad was 17 and your uncle was 15 or so your father disappeared. I knew he went down that blasted well, he always said it was his destiny. That was when my second husband left me for another woman. I was heart broken losing my son and my husband in a span of a few weeks. Me and your uncle lives here hoping for your dad's return, I told your uncle he got lost in the forest. I did this because it is very dangerous for a human to go to hyrule and I wanted to protect him. Why did I go? Well I had my reasons.

Your dad carried the looks of a hyrulian so he grew his hair out longer and was home schooled. His ears were pointed and he had to hide it from your uncle. When your dad returned your uncle had moved out, he brought home with him a lovely lady, your mother named Zelda. Your father had rescued her and hyrule from the darkness. With them they brought a baby. A baby girl, you. This girl looked human though with non pointed ears. We all knew it wasn't safe for you to be there not only because you looked human but because you were bound to be the next descendant of hylia. That was when we knew if we fibbed something to your uncle he'd take you in and you could live a normal life.

I told your uncle that your father had returned leaving you at my house while your parents went out shopping. I then told your uncle that your father and mother died in a car accident and I no longer had the strength to care for a baby girl. Your uncle was mad at me for several years and that wench wife he had hated me too. He wanted to see his lost brother, he at least wanted to go to his "funeral". I told him I did it to protect him and he eventually forgave me, he took you in the day I offered because he felt he was fulfilling his beloved brother's wishes by doing so. And here you are today with both hyrulian and human blood in your veins. Your uncle raised you as his own and your older siblings didn't remember you being "adopted" because they were too young at the time.

As you may have guessed that well leads to hyrule. It is very hard to return back to earth once you are there, especially if you are human. There is a great racism towards humans there, you will be regarded as a freak in most places so keep your ears concealed with a hat. Some races however will not mind you and some hyrulians are fortunately open minded. I want you to come visit someday before you grow old like me, and I want you I meet your parents and know the land you were born. I love you with all of my heart my grand daughter and if you come please do be careful. -gram gram (Cylensia) "

You closed the book and just stared at it. Now you know your grandmother was trolling you. I mean she just wrote saying your whole life was basically a lie. You couldn't help but laugh as you drop the book to the floor. Grannie must have dementia or something. I mean dad is my dad... There's no way. But then again... You did resemble that baby in the painting. Could that be- no this was absolute nonsense. Your brain wouldn't quit crawling with ideas so you decided to silence it with the best  way you could process: sleep. You blew out the candle and said a temporary farewell to the world as you drifted off into a peaceful state of mind.

You dreamed of hyrule. A place of dreams and nightmares, fantasy and fear. It beckoned to you, it almost called for you. At that moment you heard the whisper, a deep low whisper that cut through you like a dark sword. "(Y/n) (y/n) (y/n)." It beckoned in almost a seductive tone. The images of hyrule changed to that of the last painting with the sad looking male. He wore a crimson cape and  had a lean yet muscular build. You could only see one of his eyes because his cloud colored hair obscured the other. "Come join me (y/n)" he said with a devilish smile and an outstretched arm.

For some reason you were very drawn to this fellow. But part of you said no-don't fall for it. He walked closer to you, he pulled your hand towards him with his white gloves hand. Your eyes now stared into his locked together in a struggle for dominance. "Why should I?" You say continuing to lock your gaze to his. Your tone was unsure and trembled a bit. "You belong here in hyrule (y/n)." He says pulling you even closer he pushed the back of your head closer to his, your noses now touched. You tried so hard to keep looking at him but his eyes bore into yours with a passionate fire of determination. You look away for a split second. "I win" he says grinning. And everything turns black.

Suddenly you feel like your falling and your eyes flicker open, to reveal you are indeed falling down a tube of darkness you look up to see a tiny bit of the stars in the sky fade away into the distance. How did you get here! Did you sleep walk here, what the hell is happening?!! You then hit the ground with a thud knocking you out cold.
I hope you guys are enjoying this so far! Favorites and comments are always amazing and always never fail to make this aspiring writer's day. Sweating a little... Meow :3 

If you want first dibs on the ghirahim goodness Cute Ghirahim  to come and if you want status updates on the story follow me! I am a dummy! 

I don't own legend of Zelda or any of it's characters only this story. :meow:

More to come soon!

Artwork::iconpromsien: (check out their page they have amazing  artwork!) :O

Links: (not Link icon ) XD

First (prologue):
© 2015 - 2024 IndigoArtistX3
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